Photographic series, which presents industrial landscape of Silesia and Zagłębie in the XXI century after closing down of old and obsolete coal mines and ironworks. The photographs show that despite the disappearance of the old mines and factories the heave industry still dominates the landscape in this area.
The project has been completed in cooperation with the Muzeum Śląskie and it shows the cities of Silesian Agglomeration, which are going to be included in a new administration unit: Metropolis. Majority of the photographs show old architecture: housing estates for mine workers and XIX century streets. The photographs also show how these places have changed in the current times through street advertisements, shop windows and graffiti art.
The photographs present current landscape of cities and towns of Lower Silesia. This series was made after 30 years from the first black and white series by Michal Cala about this region: "Lower Silesia 1983" . The region has a complicated history and interesting architecture. It was influenced by Polish, German and Chech culture. Since the II World War the region has been increasingly impoverished. THE PROJECT WAS FOUNDED BY THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND NATIONAL HERITAGE OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND.
The photographic series presents the city landscape of Wałbrzych. The photographs show old housing estates designed for coalminers, which after closing down of majority of the old coalmines are now turning into slums. But there are also signs of commercial activities of the inhabitants, who try to start their own retail or service businesses. The series is a part of a larger series: Lower Silesia - cities and towns. THE PROJECT WAS FOUNDED BY THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND NATIONAL HERITAGE OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND.